3 Reasons You Definitely Want To Start Writing Gratitude Lists Now

Lauren Abrams
2 min readFeb 21, 2022
Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

So many people tell me they aren't feeling grateful so why should they write a gratitude list. They’re totally missing the point.

You don't write a list because you’re already feeling grateful, happy and ready to skip through the daisies.

You write your list to get there 😊

I’ve been exchanging daily gratitude lists with my friends for over a decade. Some write theirs in the morning. Others before they go to bed. It keeps us connected and grateful. Try it. You’ve got nothing to lose. I promise.

Write down everything you have in your life right now to be grateful for. Make an exhaustive list. Include things like electricity, the ability to think, friends (list them!), whatever you can think of.

Here are 3 amazing reasons to write gratitude lists:

  1. Once you start writing a list of all the things you are grateful for, including the ability to breathe deep breaths, read, write, nod hello to people, whatever it is that connects you to others (you don't have to be feeling it while you write by the way), once you get to the end of the list, you WILL feel gratitude. It just happens. That’s the point. Write 10–20 things you are grateful for and by the end of the list, you’ll be feeling gratitude.
  2. Your energy level rises when you’re grateful. Who doesn't want more energy!
  3. You vibrate at a higher frequency when you are grateful. It’s been shown that gratitude’s one of the highest frequencies of vibration. Eckhart Tolle discusses it in this YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuJxEcyVgRg

Express your gratitude daily to those around you. After all, you’ve always got a choice. Do you want to be focusing on what you’re grateful for, or what’s miserable around you?

What you focus on grows.

For example, a beautiful sunflower. I’m grateful for that. I just learned that sunflowers absorb pollutants from the soil so they help clean up the environment. I am also grateful I’m open-minded to learning new things.

Robert Emmons from the Gratitude Project discusses how gratitude can not only make us happier but also improve our relationships and performance at work.

What about you? What are you grateful for today?



Lauren Abrams

Podcaster, Lawyer, Writer, Mom, Cheerer-On, and General Encourager. Helping raise the vibration of this world, one day at a time. ❤️ www.52WeeksOfHope.com ⭐️